The Goparel Network


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See all our collectible eBay items, here.

Books & Magazines

See all our books & mags. eBay items, here.


eBay Clothing

His Clothing

See all our men’s clothing eBay items, here.

Her Clothing

See all our woman’s clothing eBay items, here.

Tie Dye Clothing

See all our tie dye clothing eBay items, here.


eBay Media


See all our cd eBay items, here.

Movies & TV

See all our movies & tv eBay items, here.

Cassette Tapes

See all our cassette tape eBay items, here.


Charming, social, and diplomatic, Libras value peace and balance above all. They strive for fairness in life and their relationships. They also have a natural tendency to surround themselves with beauty and luxury. Also, as eternal romantics, they crave relationships and partnerships and will dive into union headfirst when they find someone they admire deeply. However, this can at times lead them into codependency. Gifted in communication, Libras are also excellent negotiators. They tend to process their feelings intellectually but are also deeply sensitive people. This can sometimes lead them to be indecisive, as they do everything possible to avoid conflict. Libra is the only zodiac sign that has an inanimate object, the scales, as its symbol. Librans are harmonious, civilized, intellectual, sophisticated, seductive, elegant, creative, witty, balanced, sociable and people who maintain their status quo.

See our NFT.

This NFT can be obtained on the wax blockchain.


“This NFT Was Created By Goparel”

We just like minting!

NFT stand for Non-Fungible Token. NFTs are created on the blockchain. It’s a pretty simple process when using the best blockchain available,

  1. We make the artwork.
  2. We add the artwork to the blockchain.
  3. We take the added artwork and mint into a nft.

All artwork/nfts are verifiable and transparent on the wax blockchain. You can follow the button below to visit our official account on the wax blockchain.

NFT’s Schemas in our Collection

A Schema is like a category for your nft collection on the wax blockchain. We’re always adding more and what we currently have now are listed below.

Tie Dyed Shirt [Our First Ever Schema]

The Tie Dyed Shirt schema is a special one. It’s the first schema we created before we even knew what we were doing.

It’s full of all our Tie Dyed NFT Artwork. We plan on retiring this schema sooner than later. It will always be our number one! Make sure to grab some NFTs from this schema while you can!

You can visit the goparel schema tiedyedshirt.


Have you ever had zodiac trading cards? Well, we have just that. Every sign has a card with front and back.

This schema is for our digital nft zodiac trading cards. We have 12 NFT cards/templates with only 15 cards per Sign located in this schema.

You can visit the goparel zodiac schema.


Have you ever opened a pack of trading cards? Just like basketball, baseball, & pokemon packs you open and see what’s inside.

This schema is for our digital nft packs. When we create a pack for our trading cards they will be located in this schema.

You can visit the goparel schema packs.


Have you ever collected trading cards? Just like basketball, baseball, & pokemon cards we also have created trading cards.

This schema is for our digital nft trading card set, Running The Simulation. This schema is only for Running The Simulation trading cards.

You can visit the goparel schema


Who loves a good pfp? Well the Bite Schema has just that. Bite is a character variation from Running the Simulation trading card set by goparel.

The schema has all the different bite variation pfps (profile picture) in it. Bite is the first pfp we have created.

You can visit the goparel schema bite.pfp.







Some of our hot NFTs!

Want to see more? We have hand selected a few hot NFTs for a quick look. You can scroll and click the NFT to open it up.

You can also have a look at our full NFT Gallery page by clicking the button.

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