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Spotlight on Tree Peace

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This article is a spotlight on the one and only Tree Peace! Tree Peace has been with the Wax Community for some time now dating back to early 2021. Another great in the space doing big things. We reached out to Tree Peace about spotlighting their project and like our last spotlight, they gave us an amazing story! You’ll learn things just like how Tree Peace was an Anesthetist & Firefighter!
The work is done. Let the creator speak for themself! Below you can see the full story. We’ve replaced very little and it’s mostly 99% from the creator Tree Peace. We have however added links and more. Throughout this whole article, you will see hyperlinks that can be clicked on. Feel free to click the word and it will open a new tab in your web browser so make sure to allow pop-ups from our website. Without any further ado, here’s the gold, no, bitcoin, wait no, Wax at the end of the rainbow!

 The Story

Over the past 20 years, I spent my life dedicated to helping others, working as a Firefighter, Flight Nurse/Paramedic, and now Nurse Anesthetist. Through the years, my life has been encompassed with so many unfortunate events, the occasional miraculous story, but a lot of bad stuff. However, as time passed, there have always been two things that gave me joy, mother nature and giving back to help others. When 2020 hit and manufacturing stopped in China, I saw on the news how the skies were clearest they had been in over 20 years. I always knew there was a major problem with pollution and did the small things to help reduce my carbon footprint. With my extra free time, I wanted to do more to help! Thus, I made a personal decision to do whatever I could to help save the planet. With friends and family, I co-founded Tree Peace, which was established on the principle of promoting a more sustainable environment one tree at a time. Tree Peace is a registered nonprofit organization in the U.S. that plants trees. In 2021, I learned more about blockchain technology. Shortly after, I was introduced to Mikeice1, who told me all about The Wax Blockchain. Very quickly I saw how Wax was so far ahead of the game. Thus, we decided to venture outside of the norm with a donation campaign, selling NFTs on the carbon-neutral blockchain. A $1 NFT can plant one tree sapling. Check out our project:


Check out some of Tree Peace Links:

  1. Atomic Hub
  2. Neftyblocks
  3. NFTHive
  4. Website
  5. Twitter

Get Involved: individuals, teachers, students, businesses & more can get involved by visiting Tree-Peace.Org

Why Wax?

If you’d like to get started making NFTs now’s a great time to do so! The best place to start is Wax, hands down! The Worldwide Asset eXchange (#WAX) is certified carbon neutral.  Not only has WAX solved the environmental issues presented by NFTs minted on Ethereum, but also has an environmental mindset and is taking action to erase their carbon footprint. Working as a Proof of Stake system, creating carbon offset NFTs, and partnering with Climate Care, WAX has made huge strides in building a sustainable future. Learn more about wax here: About Wax Blockchain. We do hope you enjoyed this article and information about Tree Peace. Your Friends,

Derek & Carly from Goparel